160 Sinister Appellations: Names That Mean Evil & Monsters

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Are you searching for a name that exudes darkness and mystery? Look no further! Our extensive list of 160 names meaning evil will satisfy your craving for the sinister. From girls and boys to unisex options, we’ve got you covered with unique monikers that embody malevolence, trickery, and otherworldly power.

50 Girls Names that Mean Evil

50 Girls Names that Mean Evil

Discover a collection of hauntingly beautiful girls’ names with sinister meanings. From mythological goddesses of destruction to literary villainesses, these names embody darkness and power while maintaining a feminine allure.

  1. Lilith [Hebrew] – In Jewish folklore, Lilith was Adam’s first wife who turned into a demon. This name symbolizes defiance and dark allure.
  2. Morrighan [Irish] – Associated with war and fate in Celtic mythology, Morrighan represents the darker aspects of femininity.
  3. Nemesis [Greek] – The goddess of retribution, this name embodies divine vengeance.
  4. Ebony [English] – While literally meaning “dark wood,” Ebony evokes images of darkness and mystery.
  5. Hecate [Greek] – The goddess of witchcraft and crossroads, Hecate is associated with the underworld and magic.
  6. Nyx [Greek] – The primordial goddess of night, Nyx personifies darkness itself.
  7. Mara [Hebrew/Buddhist] – Meaning “bitter” in Hebrew and associated with a demon of temptation in Buddhism.
  8. Bellatrix [Latin] – Meaning “female warrior,” this name gained notoriety as a villainous character in Harry Potter.
  9. Desdemona [Greek] – Despite meaning “ill-fated,” this name has a hauntingly beautiful sound.
  10. Jezebel [Hebrew] – A biblical name associated with wickedness and false prophecy.
  11. Raven [English] – Often linked to death and darkness in various mythologies.
  12. Lamia [Greek] – In Greek mythology, a child-eating monster or vampire.
  13. Morgana [Celtic] – A powerful sorceress in Arthurian legend, often portrayed as evil.
  14. Pandora [Greek] – Known for opening a box that released all evils into the world.
  15. Elvira [Spanish] – While meaning “truth,” it’s often associated with dark, mysterious women.
  16. Eris [Greek] – The goddess of strife and discord.
  17. Kali [Hindu] – A fierce aspect of the divine mother, associated with time, change, and destruction.
  18. Maleficent [Latin] – Meaning “harmful” or “evil,” popularized by the Disney villain.
  19. Medusa [Greek] – A Gorgon with snakes for hair who could turn people to stone.
  20. Hela [Norse] – The goddess of death in Norse mythology.
  21. Lilim [Hebrew] – Daughters of Lilith, often considered night demons.
  22. Akuma [Japanese] – Meaning “devil” or “demon” in Japanese.
  23. Delilah [Hebrew] – Biblical figure known for betraying Samson.
  24. Cersei [Greek] – A variant of Circe, a sorceress known for turning men into animals.
  25. Amara [African] – While meaning “grace” in some cultures, it means “bitter” in others.
  26. Naamah [Hebrew] – A female demon in Jewish folklore.
  27. Vesper [Latin] – Meaning “evening star,” associated with darkness.
  28. Alecto [Greek] – One of the Furies, known for unceasing anger.
  29. Carmilla [Irish] – The name of a female vampire in Gothic literature.
  30. Drusilla [Roman] – Associated with vampires and madness in popular culture.
  31. Endora [Greek] – Name of a witch in the TV show “Bewitched.”
  32. Grizelda [German] – Often associated with witches and crones.
  33. Hecuba [Greek] – Queen of Troy who turned into a hellhound.
  34. Ishtar [Babylonian] – Goddess of both love and war, with a vengeful aspect.
  35. Jinx [English] – Meaning a person or thing that brings bad luck.
  36. Kismet [Turkish] – Meaning “fate,” often with a negative connotation.
  37. Laverna [Roman] – Goddess of thieves and the underworld.
  38. Mallory [French] – Meaning “unfortunate” or “ill-omened.”
  39. Necronomica [Greek] – Feminine form referring to the book of the dead.
  40. Oni [Japanese] – Referring to demons or ogres in Japanese folklore.
  41. Persephone [Greek] – Queen of the underworld in Greek mythology.
  42. Qetesh [Egyptian] – A demoness in ancient Egyptian religion.
  43. Raven [English] – Bird associated with death and ill omens.
  44. Siren [Greek] – Dangerous creatures who lured sailors to their doom.
  45. Tisiphone [Greek] – One of the Furies, the avenger of murder.
  46. Umbra [Latin] – Meaning “shadow,” associated with darkness.
  47. Vex [Latin] – Meaning to annoy or torment.
  48. Wicked [English] – Directly meaning evil or morally wrong.
  49. Xena [Greek] – While popularized as a warrior princess, it’s related to “xenos” meaning stranger or foreigner.
  50. Yama [Sanskrit] – The god of death in Hindu mythology.

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70 Boys Names that Mean Evil

70 Boys Names that Mean Evil

Explore an extensive list of boys’ names that exude malevolence and strength. Drawing from various cultures, mythologies, and legends, these names range from infamous demons to dark deities, perfect for characters with a villainous edge.

  1. Draco [Greek] – Meaning “dragon,” associated with a villainous character in Harry Potter.
  2. Lucifer [Latin] – The “light-bringer” who became the fallen angel, now synonymous with the devil.
  3. Damien [Greek] – Gained notoriety from “The Omen” as the name of the Antichrist.
  4. Mephistopheles [Greek] – A demon featured in German folklore and literature.
  5. Samael [Hebrew] – Often interpreted as the “Venom of God” or “Poison of God” in Jewish lore.
  6. Abaddon [Hebrew] – Meaning “destruction” or “the destroyer” in Hebrew.
  7. Loki [Norse] – The trickster god known for his mischief and deceit.
  8. Bane [English] – Literally meaning a cause of great distress or annoyance.
  9. Leviathan [Hebrew] – A sea monster in the Bible, now synonymous with any large, formidable creature.
  10. Azazel [Hebrew] – A fallen angel who taught humans to make weapons and cosmetics.
  11. Hannibal [Phoenician] – While historically a great general, now associated with the fictional cannibalistic serial killer.
  12. Cain [Hebrew] – Biblical figure known for committing the first murder.
  13. Ryuk [Japanese] – Name of a Shinigami (death god) in the anime Death Note.
  14. Malik [Arabic] – While meaning “king,” it’s also the name of the guardian of hellfire in Islamic tradition.
  15. Mordred [Welsh] – The traitorous knight who brought down King Arthur’s reign.
  16. Balor [Celtic] – A destructive, evil-eyed god in Irish mythology.
  17. Chernobog [Slavic] – The “Black God” associated with darkness and chaos.
  18. Diablo [Spanish] – Literally meaning “devil.”
  19. Erebus [Greek] – The primordial deity of darkness.
  20. Fenrir [Norse] – A monstrous wolf in Norse mythology.
  21. Gunnar [Norse] – While meaning “warrior,” it’s associated with conflict and battle.
  22. Hades [Greek] – The god of the underworld in Greek mythology.
  23. Iblis [Arabic] – The primary devil figure in Islam.
  24. Jormungandr [Norse] – The world serpent in Norse mythology.
  25. Keres [Greek] – Spirits of violent death in Greek mythology.
  26. Leraje [Demonology] – A marquis of Hell in demonology.
  27. Mammon [Aramaic] – The personification of greed and wealth.
  28. Nidhogg [Norse] – A dragon that gnaws at the roots of the world tree.
  29. Orcus [Roman] – A god of the underworld and punisher of broken oaths.
  30. Pazuzu [Mesopotamian] – A demon of the southwest wind in Mesopotamian mythology.
  31. Quasimodo [Latin] – While not inherently evil, associated with monstrosity.
  32. Raum [Demonology] – A great earl of Hell in demonology.
  33. Set [Egyptian] – The god of chaos, violence, and storms in Egyptian mythology.
  34. Typhon [Greek] – The deadliest monster in Greek mythology.
  35. Urian [Medieval] – A name for the devil in medieval times.
  36. Valefar [Demonology] – A duke of Hell in demonology.
  37. Wrath [English] – Personifying extreme anger.
  38. Xibalba [Mayan] – The name of the underworld in Mayan mythology.
  39. Yaotzin [Aztec] – An Aztec god associated with conflict and discord.
  40. Zagan [Demonology] – A demon and fallen angel.
  41. Abbadon [Hebrew] – The angel of the bottomless pit.
  42. Belial [Hebrew] – A demon in Jewish and Christian texts.
  43. Caim [Demonology] – A great president of Hell in demonology.
  44. Dagon [Semitic] – A deity associated with evil in popular culture.
  45. Eligos [Demonology] – A great duke of Hell in demonology.
  46. Focalor [Demonology] – A powerful duke of Hell in demonology.
  47. Gusion [Demonology] – A strong duke of Hell in demonology.
  48. Hastur [Lovecraftian] – An evil entity in the Cthulhu mythos.
  49. Incubus [Latin] – A male demon believed to have intercourse with sleeping women.
  50. Jinn [Arabic] – Supernatural creatures in Islamic mythology, often malevolent.
  51. Kroni [Finnish] – The god of evil in Finnish mythology.
  52. Lerajie [Demonology] – A powerful marquis of Hell in demonology.
  53. Moloch [Canaanite] – An ancient deity associated with child sacrifice.
  54. Naberius [Demonology] – A marquis of Hell in demonology.
  55. Orobas [Demonology] – A prince of Hell in demonology.
  56. Phenex [Demonology] – A great marquis of Hell in demonology.
  57. Ronove [Demonology] – A marquis and great earl of Hell in demonology.
  58. Samhain [Celtic] – While not inherently evil, associated with the darker aspects of Celtic mythology.
  59. Tannin [Hebrew] – A sea monster in Jewish mythology.
  60. Uvall [Demonology] – A great duke of Hell in demonology.
  61. Vapula [Demonology] – A powerful duke of Hell in demonology.
  62. Xaphan [Demonology] – A demon of the second rank in demonology.
  63. Yan-gant-y-tan [Breton] – A demon carrying five candles on its five fingers.
  64. Zaebos [Demonology] – A grand count of Hell in demonology.
  65. Astaroth [Demonology] – A powerful demon in demonology.
  66. Belphegor [Hebrew] – One of the seven princes of Hell.
  67. Chaos [Greek] – The personification of disorder and unpredictability.
  68. Demogorgon [Greek] – A powerful primordial deity associated with chaos.
  69. Erebus [Greek] – The personification of darkness and shadow.
  70. Furfur [Demonology] – A great earl of Hell in demonology.

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40 Unisex Names that Mean Evil

40 Unisex Names that Mean Evil

Uncover a versatile selection of gender-neutral names with dark connotations. These names blur the lines between good and evil, offering unique options that can add depth and intrigue to any character or individual.

  1. Salem [Hebrew] – While meaning “peace,” it’s associated with the infamous witch trials.
  2. Ash [English] – Can evoke images of destruction and death.
  3. Rebel [English] – Implies defiance and going against norms.
  4. Onyx [Greek] – A dark gemstone often associated with protection against evil forces.
  5. Storm [English] – Represents nature’s fury and destruction.
  6. Nox [Latin] – The Roman equivalent of Nyx, personifying night and darkness.
  7. Midnight [English] – The darkest hour, often associated with supernatural activities.
  8. Echo [Greek] – In mythology, a nymph cursed to only repeat others’ words.
  9. Ruin [English] – Literally means destruction or decay.
  10. Havoc [English] – Implies chaos and destruction.
  11. Abyss [Greek] – Representing a bottomless pit or infinite darkness.
  12. Blade [English] – Associated with violence and danger.
  13. Chaos [Greek] – The personification of disorder and confusion.
  14. Dusk [English] – The darker part of twilight, often associated with mystery.
  15. Eclipse [Greek] – A celestial event often seen as an ill omen in many cultures.
  16. Fang [English] – Associated with predatory animals and vampires.
  17. Grim [English] – Meaning forbidding or uninviting.
  18. Hex [German] – A magical curse or spell.
  19. Imp [English] – A small, mischievous devil or sprite.
  20. Jett [English] – While meaning “black gemstone,” it’s associated with darkness.
  21. Karma [Sanskrit] – Often misunderstood as retribution rather than cause and effect.
  22. Lycan [Greek] – Short for lycanthrope, meaning werewolf.
  23. Mystic [Greek] – While not inherently evil, often associated with the unknown and potentially dangerous.
  24. Nemesis [Greek] – The spirit of divine retribution.
  25. Omen [Latin] – A sign of future events, often negative.
  26. Phantom [Greek] – A ghost or apparition, often malevolent.
  27. Quill [English] – While not inherently evil, can be associated with writing curses or dark magic.
  28. Reaper [English] – Often referring to the Grim Reaper, a personification of death.
  29. Shadow [Old English] – Associated with darkness and the unknown.
  30. Tempest [Latin] – A violent storm, often used metaphorically for turmoil.
  31. Umbra [Latin] – The darkest part of a shadow.
  32. Vendetta [Italian] – A blood feud, associated with revenge and violence.
  33. Wraith [Scottish] – A ghost or spectral apparition.
  34. Xibalba [Mayan] – The name of the underworld in Mayan mythology.
  35. Yorick [Danish] – While not inherently evil, associated with death due to Shakespeare’s Hamlet.
  36. Zephyr [Greek] – While meaning “west wind,” can be associated with unseen forces.
  37. Anarchy [Greek] – State of disorder due to absence of authority.
  38. Briar [English] – A thorny plant, often associated with curses in fairy tales.
  39. Crypt [Greek] – An underground chamber, often associated with death.
  40. Doom [Old English] – Fate or destiny, often with negative connotations.

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The Psychology Behind Choosing Evil Names

The Psychology Behind Choosing Evil Names

Names that mean evil or have dark connotations have always fascinated people. This interest stems from various factors:

  1. Rebellion against norms
  2. Attraction to power and mystery
  3. Desire to stand out
  4. Influence of popular culture and media

Choosing such names can be a form of self-expression, allowing individuals to embrace their darker side or project a strong, formidable image.

Final Thoughts

Whether you’re naming a character, choosing a stage name, or simply exploring the darker side of vocabulary, these 160 names that mean evil offer a rich tapestry of options. From ancient mythologies to modern pop culture, the allure of the sinister continues to captivate our imaginations.

Remember, a name is more than just a label – it’s a powerful symbol that can shape perceptions and destinies. Choose wisely!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Here are some frequently asked questions about names that mean evil:

Q: Are Names With Evil Meanings Legal To Use?

A: In most countries, yes. However, some nations have restrictions on naming conventions.

Q: Will Giving My Child An Evil Name Affect Their Personality?

A: While names can influence perception, personality is shaped by many factors including upbringing and personal experiences.

Q: Are These Names Commonly Used?

A: Most of these names are relatively uncommon, which adds to their unique appeal.

Q: Can I Use These Names For Pets?

A: Absolutely! Many pet owners enjoy giving their animals dramatic or powerful names.

Q: Where Can I Find More Information About The Origins Of These Names?

A: Mythology books, online etymology databases, and cultural studies are great resources for deeper research.

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