150+ Names That Mean Crazy for Boys and Girls

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Are you looking for unique names that show the wild or untamed personality traits of your children? This guide covers more than 150 names that mean crazy. Names have the power to emit strong vibes about a person’s core. That’s why Arnold said:

“Someday the world is going to know who I am-just be hearing my first name.”

~Arnold Schwarzenegger

Hence, you should be careful while selecting a title for your baby. Our energetic and eccentric labels are perfect to represent the unconventional nature of your child.

We took the help of an expert in linguistics, Lauren Gawne, to ensure we get only accurate and updated crazy names. Let’s dive deep and explore these names for both males and females.

Names That Mean Crazy
Infographic: Names That Mean Crazy

Best Names That Mean Crazy Or Wild

Two cheerful children, a boy and a girl, jumping on a bed in a bright room.
Source: Freepik

If you have heard a story from your parents that you were very chaotic and naughty in your childhood, chances are your baby will also exhibit this trait. Therefore, you should choose names that mean crazy or wild to perfectly complement the rugged nature of the baby. Find these titles below:

Name Meaning
Amara Restless
Blast Explosive
Deliria Delirious
Feral Untamed
Havoc Destructive
Lunatic Insane
Mayhem Disorder
Ruckus Disturbance
Savage Fierce
Thunder Powerful
Untamed Wild
Wraith Uncontrolled
Zephyr Turbulent

Top Names with Meaning of Chaos & Destruction

mother covering her ears with her hands, while two children are playing loudly in front of her.
Source: Freepik

This category contains the best name with the meaning of chaos. We have researched various archives and languages to find the top names that mean crazy or wild. The following table lists the titles that embody the raw energy of disorder:

Name Meaning
Eris A female name that means discord or strife and is best fit for energetic baby girls.
Kali This name originated from Sanskrit. It is a female title that means destruction and change. 
Atarah A girlie name from Hebrew that means crown. 
Tiamat This name was the name of the goddess of chaos and sea in Babylonian myth. 
Sutekh A male name with Egyptian roots and denotes the god of chaos and the desert.
Balor An Irish name, which means the deadly one.
Rangi A unisex name for the God of the Sky and represents destruction. 
Vesper This is a unisex name from Gothic Latin and means the chaotic evening star.
Rimmon It is derived from the Old Testament and refers to a roaring storm.
Maelstrom A Dutch word that means a destructive grinding stream or a powerful whirlpool.

Top Girl Names with Meaning of Chaos

Two girls sitting on a couch having a playful pillow fight. Both are smiling face.
Source: Freepik

Some baby girls are quite naughty, and they like to give hard time to their parents. You can choose such names that mean crazy for a perfect fit for a chaotic yet curious baby. Enlisted below are our top girl names:

  • Alya (Turbulent)
  • Bellona (Havoc)
  • Damini (Destructive)
  • Erike (Mayhem)
  • Lilith (Defiant)
  • Morrigan (Discord)
  • Nariko (Stormy)
  • Reva (Untamed)
  • Seraphina (Fierce)
  • Thora (Thunderous)
  • Valdis (Chaotic)
  • Yuki (Tempestuous)
  • Zelda (Warrior)

Top Boy Names with Meaning of Chaos

A boy can be seen mischievous with another boy.
Source: Freepik

We also have a name compilation for boys who possess an angry yet chaotic look. These boy names that mean crazy may seem fun at first, but they will complement the personality of the baby. Such titles are a perfect fit for a rebellious and disruptive nature.

  • Ares (Destructive)
  • Blitz (Storm)
  • Caerus (Tumultuous)
  • Dax (Wild)
  • Fenris (Havoc)
  • Gunnar (Warrior)
  • Horus (Untamed)
  • Kael (Tempest)
  • Maverick (Rebel)
  • Osiris (Turbulent)
  • Perseus (Chaos)
  • Ryker (Strength)

Best Names with Meaning of Danger

A young boy dressed as a vampire with a black and gold cape sneaks up behind a woman.
Source: Freepik

Some people love to take risks in their lives and live on the edge. If you are a parent who wants your child to be a risk-taker, these names with the meaning of danger should be a no-brainer for you. We have collected these titles from the most fearsome predators and legendary warriors. Find out now:

  • Akuma: A Japanese name, meaning devil
  • Cruz: A religious name that means cross and is used to scare evils
  • Dagger: Knife or sword; this name indicates bravery and courage
  • Kane: Used in multiple cultures and has the meaning of warrior
  • Lobo: In Spanish, this name means wolf and shows strength
  • Malice: Strong; best fit for a person who is strong and caretaker
  • Raven: A unisex name that means dark-haired or a wise person
  • Sabre: A French name with a masculine nature and the meaning of a sword

Girl Names with Meaning of Trouble

trouble are for baby girls
Source: Freepik

Girl names with the meaning of trouble are for those baby girls that have a rebellious yet calm personality. These titles are for those girls who like to live in their own circle, undisruptive from the external environment. However, when they want to destroy the peace, they do so like nobody else. The following is a list of such names:

  • Adara: A name of Hebrew origin, meaning virgin and beauty
  • Acantha: Means thorny and is best fit for a girl who has a piercing personality
  • Aiden: A name with the literal meaning of little fire and denotes someone with a spark in nature
  • Briar: A unique name that means a thorny bush that also has roses or brambles
  • Calypso: She who hides; Choose this name for a mysterious nature
  • Desdemona: Unfortunate but with elegant properties; the name is the go-to choice of gothic lovers
  • Freya: A Scandinavian name that translates to a noble and wise woman
  • Lyra: Also called Lyre and was the name of a musical instrument of Orpheus
  • Mabel: A quite popular Lain name with the meaning of lovable and is the choice for new baby girls
  • Vex: Rooted from Latin, this name means to agitate; this name can be suggested for a baby girl full of energy and curiosity

Boy Names with Meaning of Trouble

A young boy with short blond hair sits on a staircase trouble
Source: Freepik

Is your baby a big mess creator or is he the one who loves to raise problems for moms? You should consider boy names with the meaning of trouble. The boys with these names love to challenge norms and make their own ways. Explore a list of these titles below:

  • Ajax: Eagle; in Greek Mythology, this name indicates bravery and courage
  • Bandit: Outlaw; a person who likes to live outside of the boundary of the law
  • Flynn: An Irish name that is suitable for a boy with red hair or a reddish complexion
  • Jester: The literal meaning is an entertainer or one who deviates from societal norms with his humor and provocation
  • Maddox: Fortunate; give this name to a boy who embodies strength and has trickster energy
  • Rebel: The literal meaning indicates a defiant person with a rebellious nature
  • Talon: A French word that means a big claw of hunter bird; suitable for a possessive boy
  • Wilder: A boy who is wild and uncontrolled and likes to live his life without any control

Greek Names with Meaning of Chaos

a greek young boy in medieval-style armor, standing in front of a castle
Source: Freepik

Greek mythology is full of a lot of names that can be used to perfectly represent the chaotic or crazy mindset of your children. Here is a list of Greek titles with the meaning of chaos:

  • Khaos: The Void; choose this name for the raw and unstructured essence of your baby
  • Apate: The title of goddess of deceit; other meanings are water and father
  • Deimos: Terror; go with this name if you want your baby to emit vibes of fear
  • Hecate: A female name that means willpower; select this name if you see your baby has ‘far-reaching’ property
  • Erbus: Literal means darkness and represents a chaotic void and shadowy forces
  • Nyx: Night; It was the name of a night goddess in Greek mythology and was the mother of destruction
  • Phobos: Panic; it was the title of one of the sons of Ares that caused fear

Names with Meaning of Chaos In Japanese

A Japanese young girl smiling and holding two toy cars
Source: Freepik

Japanese culture and mythology also contain such names that represent chaos and destruction. For instance, Raijin was a thunder god, and Fujin was a wind god. You can get inspiration for both Japanese girl and boy names from the given table:

Name Name in the Japanese Language Meaning
Arashi Storm
Ran Chaos
Raiden 雷電 Thunder
Konton 混沌 Void
Gekido 激怒 Fury
Nami 波乱 Turmoil
Kagero 陽炎 Mirage
Shiranui 不知火 Illusion

Cute Names with Meaning of Chaos

A young boy posing confidently with his arms crossed in an 'X' shape
Source: Freepik

If you are a big fan of Wednesday Addams, this compilation of cute names is the perfect thing that you ever wanted. These titles make the go-to selection for those babies who seem innocent at first but hold chaos in their personalities. Explore cute chaos names below:

  • Aella (Whirlwind)
  • Abaddon (Ruin)
  • Blaze (Fire)
  • Tempest (Storm)
  • Buz (Despised)
  • Pandora (Curiosity)
  • Jinx (Spell)
  • Cecilia (Blind)

Pro Tip: Stormi is the daughter of Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott. Her name’s meaning is ‘Impulsive’ and she is a superb example of a chaotic personality with a cute face.

Evil Girl Names with Meaning of Dark & Chaos

A evil girl making a clawing gesture, in a festive Halloween-themed setting.
Source: Freepik

We have also compiled a list of evil names for lovers of dark mythology and dark romance. These titles are perfect for someone who loves to dive deep into the profundity of darkness or unknownness. Select from the following list of the names for your chaotic baby:

  • Lamia: It was the name of a demon who liked to feed on children and was cursed by Hera.
  • Morana: Another name for death which has roots in Slavic culture
  • Bellatrix: A name with Latin origin and was the title of a Death Eater; it means female warrior
  • Azula: A Japanese-inspired name from Avatar: The Last Airbender and represents ruthless ambition
  • Leila: A title from the Arabic folklore that means dark beauty
  • Sauda: Another tag meaning dark beauty and has origins in African culture
  • Zillah: An ideal target for a sinister persona with the meaning of “Shadow”

Evil Girl Names With Biblical Origins

A girl dressed in a dark, hooded cloak is standing outdoors under a cloudy sky with book.
Source: Freepik

The Bible contains a large number of female names that have caused chaos or trouble in the past. These evil names are the best choice for a baby child that has a bohemian personality. Explore our comprehensive compilation of such names from Biblical origins:

  • Delilah: Delicate; a tender person but possesses the ability of manipulation or treachery
  • Jezebel: The name of a Phoenician queen who plotted the death of Naboth’s murder and represents corruption or ruthlessness
  • Salome: Peace; this was the stepdaughter of Herod Antipas and wanted to kill John the Baptist
  • Herodias: A Greek name that is used in a heroic context
  • Azrael: A biblical unisex name with the meaning of Angel of Death
  • Sapphira: Sapphire; the name of a Biblical lady that had hypocrisy in her nature
  • Maacah: Another unisex name that means to crush or to press

Evil Girl Names from Literature and Pop Culture

A young girl with long blue ombre hair, black lipstick, and blank parchment in both hands.
Source: Freepik

Are you a big fan of literature or pop culture? There is no better way to choose some evil or crazy names for your baby girl. In literature, these were the titles of famous anti-heroines that have caused distress or agitations. Some of the famous names are given below:

  • Ursula: The Little Mermaid; It was the name of a sea witch that used to trade souls for power
  • Cersei Lannister: A power-hungary queen from GOT who was known for her lack of pity
  • Abigail: A notorious girl in The Crucible who plotted a witch hunt that caused the death of many innocent people
  • Harley Quinn: The name of Joker’s partner from DC Comics and was famous for her lethal killing prowess
  • Medea: It was a witch from a Greek Tragedy who killed her own children
  • Annie Wilkes: A character from Misery who tortured her favorite author just for the satisfaction of her obsession and brutality
  • Esdeath: She was a general who used to make ice-based destruction in battles

Mythological & Non-Judaic Names with Meaning of Dark and Crazy

An older Mythological & Non-Judaic man with a thick gray beard and wavy hair is depicted in a dramatic pose,
Source: Freepik

Mythology was a big religion in the past. The examples are Greek and Latin mythology. There have been many characters in these old and orthodox legends that could be of interest. The following are such names from this ancient world:

  • Persephone: It was the queen of the underworld, which characterized rebirth and the union of life and death
  • Keres: It was a spirit that used to cause violent death on battlefields
  • Daeva: A name of an evil spirit from Hindu mythology
  • Hel: It was a queen of the underworld that used to rule over spirits that died due to illness
  • Ran: Another sea goddess that attracted sailors and killed them for her lust
  • Lilitu: She was a spirit from Semitic culture and was famous for killing children
  • Medusa: This was a cunning spirit from the Greek world that turned men into stone

Evil Girl Names from History

Evil young girl Half of her face features a cracked design with pale white makeup, while the other half has bold eye
Source: Freepik

Evil doesn’t just restrict itself to mythologies or folk legends; there have been various women in the history of mankind who used violence as their control and caused destruction and cruelty. Here is a brief list of such names:

  • Ranavalona: It was the queen of Madagascar who caused the executions and banned Christian deeds
  • Amelia: A child serial killer who took the lives of over 300 kids in the 19th century
  • Cixi: The most powerful woman in China who took the reign via some questionable and cruel ways
  • Myra: She was a British criminal and participated in the cruel death of 5 children
  • Miyuki: A Japanese midwife who took the lives of over 100 infants by selling their bodies
  • Ilse: Ilse Koch was a Nazi war criminal, famous for torturing prisoners and collecting their tattooed skin
  • Darya: A name of Russian noblewoman who killed over 150 serfs in the 19th century

Crazy Villain Names

A vibrant depiction of a man and a woman dressed as iconic clown-themed characters.

There is a wide range of villain names that are crazy or evil enough to create chaos. Examples include the Joker from DC Comics or Maleficent from Disney, who caused the deaths of hundreds of people just to fulfill their lust for power. Here is a table of these unique and rare villain names that could make a perfect choice for your newborn:

Name Origin
Boy Names
Darth Vader Star Wars
Thanos Marvel Comics
Voldemort Harry Potter
Sauron Lord of the Rings
Hannibal Lecter Silence of the Lambs
Bane DC Comics
Pennywise IT (Stephen King)
Magneto X-Men (Marvel)
Girl Names
Maleficent Sleeping Beauty
Ursula The Little Mermaid
Hela Norse Mythology/Marvel
Azula Avatar: The Last Airbender
Cruella de Vil 101 Dalmatians
Mystique X-Men (Marvel)
Morgana Arthurian Legend

Bottom Line

The concluding remarks are that we have made a compilation of names that mean crazy or chaos. With the help of expert Lauren Gawne, we ensure that all of our names are unique and rare enough to make your named person or thing stand out.

At MomFuse, we are determined to provide our readers eccentric names for our readers. That’s why you can explore our list of 110+ cool and funny nicknames for your mother to show your immense love. Similarly, you can even go from the list of 180+ lovely mom contact names with emojis to save your mother’s name in a unique way.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are Names that Mean Chaos?

A: Top girl names that mean chaos include Alya, Bellona, Damini, and Lilith for girls. Similarly, the best boy names that mean chaos are Ares, Blitz, Caerus, Fenris, and Horus.

Q: What are Famous Chaotic Girl Names?

A: Famous chaotic girl names are Aella, Declan, Foley, Adara, Calypso, Freya, and Mabel.

Q: What are Other Names for Trickster?

A: Names that mean trickster are Raven, Sabre, Fenris, Caerus, Ares, and Hecate.

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