
Would you like to advertise on Mom Fuse? Placing your text or image ad on Mom Fuse gives your product or website the chance to be seen by thousands of Moms a day looking for the best products for themselves and their families.

In addition to receiving exposure on Mom Fuse, links to the site are seen on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ Stumble Upon, and more further widening the reach.

Facebook:   2,650 likes

Twitter:   10,203 followers

Pinterest: 1,102 followers

Google+: 510 followers

Instagram: 227 followers

Email List: 2,323 subscribers


Social Media Links


  • 89% between age 18 – 49
  • 67% Female
  • 82% have kids age 0 – 17


Advertising Opportunities


Banner Ads

Sponsored Posts

Written Reviews (without a product)

Social Media Advertising

Newsletter Advertising

*We can also customize a package based on your needs.


Are You Familiar with Our POP Alerts?

  • Gives you the opportunity to reach an unlimited amount of highly influential mom bloggers.
  • Can be used to gain bloggers for a review opportunity, to promote a product/service, contests and giveaways, and anything else you think would benefit from blog coverage.

See more at:

*6 and 12 Month Partnerships are available at a discounted rate!


Submit A Product For Review/Giveaway

Please send the following information or product pitches to

  • Name of Product
  • Product Website
  • Product Description
  • Any coupon codes, discounts, or special offers you’d like us to offer our readers.
  • Also be sure to let us know if you’re willing to donate a second item for a giveaway. Running a giveaway with a product review is highly recommended.

In order to do a review, a non-returnable full size sample is required. For the review I will post a review (including pictures, links, etc.). Review items WILL NOT BE RETURNED. In the event that we do not like the product reviewed, you will be contacted before posting to see if you want a negative/not positive post. You will then have the option to cancel the review post or allow me to post all aspects (including negative) portions of the product in my review.

Pop Alerts

click here for more info

Travel Destinations

We love to travel and feature family friendly destinations, hotels and vacations! With our coverage we include pictures, a write up about the attractions and more. Our schedule is extremely busy but we will do our best to try and accommodate you.

In the past we have covered wonderful destinations such as Branson, Mo.


no refunds, family friendly advertisements only, no landing pages to porn sites or anything illegal, all users must land on the same page, ads must be grammatically correct, ads cannot offend based on race, gender, sexual preference, disability, no spam ads